Afirmou ainda que escreveu uma resposta ao presidente do Paquistão, Pervez Musharraf, dizendo que o importante era buscar pelos financiadores desses grupos dentro do país. Disse que, mesmo estando enganada, suspeitava de três indivíduos. Perguntada pelo apresentador, David Frost, se esses suspeitos eram do governo ou tinham ligações com ele, Benazir deixou escapar o seguinte: "Sim, bem, um deles é uma figura-chave da Segurança. Ele é um ex-oficial militar. Ele é alguém que teve negócios com o Jesha Muhammad (Exército de Maomé), um dos grupos banidos, com Maulana Azhar (fundador do JM), que estava preso em uma cela indiana por decapitar três turistas britânicos e três turistas americanos, e ele também teve negócios com Omar Sheikh, o homem que matou Osama bin Laden."
Não se sabe o que aconteceu depois da entrevista. Mas é difícil acreditar que o experiente apresentador David Frost - com mais de quarenta anos de televisão - não tenha notado a pérola lançada pela ex-primeira-ministra. A única certeza que temos foi o assassinato de Benazir, cinqüenta e cinco dias após a entrevista.
Mais informações:
● Entrevista: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnychOXj9Tg (trecho)
● Entrevista: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIO8B6fpFSQ (completa)
● Transcrição:
David Frost: There was one report that said you have arranged to send president Musharaf a letter to be sent in the event of your death by assassination, urging him to investigate certain individuals in his government. Is that true?
Benazir Bhutto: Yes, it is true that I wrote to general Musharraf. I received information from general Musharraf that a friendly country had passed on to them. The information that I could be attacked by a gang from the Afghan warlord Abdelaziz al-Massud or by Hamza Bin Laden, the son of Osama Bin Laden. Or by the Pakistani Taliban in Islamabad, or by group in Karachi. So I sent back the letter saying that while the groups may be used, I thought that it is more important to go after the people who supported them, who organized them, who could possibly be the financiers or the organizers of the finance for those groups.
And I named three individuals, who I thought were the sympathisers. Now I understand that I could be wrong and my suspicions could be misplaced, but these are the people that I suspect want to stop the restoration of democracy, they want to stop my return, because they know in 1993, when Pakistan was on the brink of being declared a terrorist state, I stopped the rise of terrorism. And they know I can do it again. So I fear that these are the forces, that really want to stop not just me, but the democratic process and the will of the people from triumphing.
David Frost: And, in terms of these there people that you mentioned were they members of or associated with the government?
Benazir Bhutto: Yes. Well, one of them is a very key figure in security. He is a former military officer. He is someone that, uhm has had dealings with the Jeshu Mohammed, one of the banned groups of Mohammed Asar, who was in an Indian jail for decapitating three British tourists and three American tourists. And he also had dealings with the Omar Sheikh the man who murdered Usama Bin Laden. Now I know that having dealings with people does not necessarily mean direct evidence but I also know that internal security has totally collapsed in Pakistan and that internal security cannot collapse without there being some blind eye if not collusion being turned to the rise of the militants and militancy.
Not only Araw tribal areas are out of control but even the beautiful Valley of Swat is now under takeover by Islamists. So I would like to see a park led police inquires assisted by Scotland Yard or the FBI come in, use forensic and scientific explanation to find out not only the perpetrators but the financiers and the organizers of the heinous crime that's killed hundred and fifty eight innocent people.
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